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Resume - Sean McCalgan

Work Experience


Full-stack application developer, with experience across different app sizes, audiences (internal employees, consumers, B2B) and industries (tech in agricultural, medical, banking, finance sectors).


I have numerous years of experience performing not only front-end feature work, but also complex migrations of software frameworks, underlying data and complete app rewrites, as well as leading dev teams in terms of project vision & architecture.


I have implemented proprietary financial models, catered to highly sensitive medical data and focused on robust, user-centric experiences in environments where applications have been critical to customer revenue streams.

Dec 2023 - Present

Front-end (web/mobile) Team Lead, Valarian

  • Championed the adoption of testing across multiple front-end projects, leading by example in creating testable components and cleaner viewmodels

  • Led on feature-work including real-time messaging (web-socket communication), compliance management & offline-first approaches (storing data on device/browser, with retry/resend)

  • Assisted in task assignment, mentoring and peer debugging sessions within the front-end team to resolve complex development and production bugs

2020 - 2023

Senior Software Developer, Valarian

  • Core role in developing security-centric, high fidelity in apps - mobile apps (Flutter & SwiftUI), web apps (Vue3, Typescript)

  • Developed our business logic and data layers, packaged them into a reusable library for both mobile & desktop apps, with platform-specific functionality - Dart

  • Implemented integrations with image providers (Giphy), task management tools (Jira, Freshdesk) & automated user feedback - Flutter, Dart

  • Contributed to the development of a dashboard inside Microsoft Teams that combined an instance of our chat application, an activity/notification board and an externally available chat client, all of which integrated with MS graph and notifications within the Teams app - Vue, Typescript

2019 - 2020

Mobile / Web Developer, Freelance

  • Thumbzup - Architected the early stages of a task & inventory management web app (Angular, MySQL)

  • Millijoin - Volunteered as a part-time developer working on UI features of a Swedish-based pop-up store app

2018 - 2019

Software Developer, Retro Rabbit

  • Led small dev teams on MVP / POC projects, including a real-time small goods delivery app, for external clients (Flutter, Xamarin)

2015 - 2018

Mobile Developer, Business Connexion

  • Sole developer of three enterprise-level applications (iOS, Android)

  • Pharmacy script-dispensing app used by over 80 independent stores. Used by pharmacists to replace their paper-based forms and perform script calculations on the spot. Reduced paper costs by ~90%

  • Agricultural insurance app for the insurance agents to use for their complete daily activities, all the way from the drive from office to farm (measured travel distance) to recording yield and crop modelling calculations. This helped in reducing user-based input errors and saved each user hours of manual work per week

2009 - 2015

Head Real-Time Analytics, ETM Analytics

  • Guided investment houses and traders on a global scale towards smarter decision-making in the financial markets

  • Managed and led a team of analysts in creating innovative and thought-provoking research using core economic principles

  • I was also responsible for kicking off the company’s initial investigations into bringing their externally developed software in-house


2002 - 2006

University of Kwazulu Natal | Post-graduate (honours) Degree in Finance and Economics

Research project: Game Theory

Skills & Expertise


Mobile apps (8+ years):

Flutter & Dart (4+ years)

Production-scale usage of BLOC, experience with Riverpod/Provider


Web apps (6+ years):

Vue3, Typescript, Vite, Vitest + Storybook (2+ years)



API integrations & development:

OpenAPI generator & automated class construction

cURL, Postman


Software architecture

Systems integration

Complete app rewrites & framework migrations

SOLID principles

NoSQL & relational databases


Soft / Industry skills

Keen attention to detail

Taking ownership

Adaptability (start-up exposure)


Dev team leadership:

  • Code reviews

  • Mentoring

  • Product liaison


Clear and thoughtful communication (verbal & written):

  • Documentation, code comments

  • Product & design input

  • Experience from speaking on live news & radio


Stakeholder / customer relations:

  • Numerous industries developing apps from the ground level

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